Let’s review the facts.

Fact #1: Yoga isn’t always your favorite.

Fact #2: Unless you’re doing it in front of a giant stuffed giraffe on a custom Manduka mat under a sky light in the middle of China Town.

Then Yoga’s kind of your favorite.

You usually know what you’re in for when you venture into Chinatown

–change isn’t exactly rapid south of Canal.

However, things got a whole lot more interesting–and innovative–when SkyTing opened up its doors back in July as the new go-to spot for Yoga.

The downtown NYC scence is a mecca for the dedicated yogi. Yes there are a lot of studios and people practicing. But like everything else in New York, the style and vibe of each studio and class differs dependent on the neighborhood or borough.

Stairway to heaven.
Stairway to heaven.

Co-owners Krissy Jones and Chloe Kernaghan are curating the experience. It’s the kind of space you’ll want to drop by, plunk down in the cushy seated area, take in their rotating gallery of art, and dig into some Dimes (nutritious bites they offer onsite) while sipping on an Evian. Just outside the boutique/lounge lies the stairway to heaven where the classes take place. The decor’s strictly no-frills: Light wood floors, white exposed brick walls, and lots of windows. Which is good, because we could all use more of those in our lives. Oh and don’t mind the giant stuffed giraffe that lives in the corner, appropriatley named Sky G. Raff, he’s chill. Why you ask? Well I say, why the hell not?

And as for the workout….

If you’ve always been the type to color outside the lines. You consider speed limits a friendly suggestion and white after Labor Day–well, you’ll just see how you feel in September. Then Katonah yoga’s your jam.

The method brings together traditional Hatha yoga, pranayama breathing techniques and strong vinyasa sequences. There is a lot of imagery cueing to help move the mind through the body, and deepen the understanding of the individual poses.

I took a mid-afternoon class with Krissy Jones. Her practice was very visual, which I found helpful considering if it’s not a pigeon, warrior I, downward dog or child’s pose you’re asking me to do I’ll probably look at you like you have three heads. She demonstrated what she wanted us to do, how she wanted us to do it, and explained why we were doing it.

SkyTing Yoga1
Krissy Jones, Co-founder & Yoga Director

Krissy’s playful, lighthearted demeanor throughout the class was refreshing. There’s an easy coolness about her, and her quirky cues that’s pretty hard not to like or make you smile at least once. “Sit back with your hips over your heels, stretch out your arms and look forward. Stretching out like a dog. Aw dogs!”

She explains that she’s into everything fitting together, not contortion. “If you’re doing contortion you should be getting paid, because it will do a number on your body.”

The class was challenging, but in a very achievable way as she guided us through each step making sure to warmup the body just enough to reach the next level. It’s ok to fall. No wrong moves here. Pick yourself up again and again, and then go with the flow.

One of my favorite parts was at the end when she said, “Breathe in a circuit. Inhale fire from the belly up through the back of the body to the top of your head. Exhale like rain out of the front of the body into your open palms.” It made sense, and it felt damn good.

My take away from the experience… A good reminder that perfection is too heavy a burden to carry. It’s such a relief to embrace the idea of being perfectly imperfect. All too human. However you want to think of it, it’s a total liberation.

They have 15 instructors, and offer about 36 classes per week. Krissy and Chole also co-teach a class on Saturday morning and Sunday evening which fills to about 40 people (the room holds 45 max).

This place is going to rock your boat. If you want cool music and a splash of irony with your asana, check out SkyTing Yoga.

Single class $20, bring a friend with you who has never been to SkyTing and get one free class or day added to your package.

#WORKOUT WEDNESDAY: UBarre X Bandier Event

You’ve heard the hoopla. So much hoopla. The UBarre is slowly starting to reveal herself. And, well….she’s marvelous.

Also female, apparently.

The equipment, designed, invented and patented by model/actress Kodi Kitchen (you may have seen her on General Hospital) and Nadine Levitt (founder of the app Wurrly) is a conversation piece. And like all great conversation pieces, it comes to you in the form of a weighted object.

imageUBarre is a sturdy chic piece of equipment literally shaped in a u, designed to help your balance and core engagement. It comes in four different weight options: 4, 8, 12 and 16 pounds. It even comes in its own dust bag, like a fancy pair of shoes or a handbag.

The Jimmy Choo of workout equipment comes  in a gorgeous gold or chrome color. It’s a whole lotta bling that offers some serious burn.

Which leads me to the workout….

You want a nicer butt. Admit it. (If not for you, for those looking at you.) You just have no idea how to get that without doing endless squats.

imageThe floor barre circuit workout at Bandier with Kodi had my booty begging for mercy.

She integrated the use of the bar into just about every move we did, constantly reminding us to press into the bar each and every time we held it. From plies and rows, to curtsey lunges and tricep extensions you could really feel how the squeezing action of the UBarre kept the core engaged and gave the arms an incredible isometric hold throughout each exercise. Needless to say, I was sweating by the end of the warm-up.

Overall the workout highlighted the most important muscles in your body. Your core, your legs, and your butt. So also the sexiest muscles in your body. There was also a great cardio element to the class, quick tempo, upbeat music and smooth transitions.

And the store…

Bandier is best described as luxury athleisure on crack (very, very good crack), dedicated to fashioning the most perfect pair of leggings that ever graced your hamstrings.

Apparel and acessories to saunter around town with a coffee and a bialey, looking like you could’ve just stepped off the runway or finished a barre class. Introduce your thighs to these high quality fabrics, and hard to find pieces and you may never look back. Well at least until you run out of money. This ish ain’t cheap.

“Oh, thanks”. They’re from this new luxury fitness store that also happens to sell designer sneakers, sleek gym bags inspired by the moon, and an array of high impact bras.”

–You in the future, responding to an inquiry about a nice thing that you own from this place.



There are a couple of things you can do to get in American Ninja Warrior-type shape.

You could hurl yourself over every existing barricade in New York City during rush hour.

That’s one way.

Or just add this ten minute TRX (otherwise known as “handles hanging from the ceiling”) workout to your daily routine.

Aim for 10 repitions of each of these four exercises.


Hip Hinge

Setup: TRX fully shortened

Start position

  • Face the anchor point with feet together and hands in front of body at waist height.
  • Press into handles with palms open.


  • Reach forward with arms, bending at hip while raising one leg behind with knee straight, hips square facing the floor.
  • Synchronize movement so shoulders and leg move together.
  • Aim for 10 reps and repeat with the other leg.

TIP: Keep core and glutes engaged throughout the movement. Maintain long spine.


Single Leg Lifts

Setup: TRX short

Start position

  • Interlock the two TRX handles together, placing one foot into the strap.
  • Start directly under the anchor point in a pushup position with your hands directly underneath your shoulders, hop back until the leg in the strap in extended up in the air at a high diagonal.
  • Keeping the hips and shoulders square to the floor, keep your free leg straight as you lift it to meet the leg thats in the strap.
  • Hold the leg up for 3 counts, return the foot to the floor and repeat 10 times each leg.

TIP: Engage the lift of the leg from the glute, it’s not a kick.


Single Leg Push-up to Pike

Setup: TRX fully lengthened

Start position

  • Interlock the two TRX handles together, placing one foot into the strap and crossing other leg over.
  • Start in a push-up position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders.
  • Keeping your torso stable and hips square to the ground, bend your elbows to lower your torso towards the ground, push back up.
  • Next, using your abdominals lift your hips in the air into a pike while keeping your legs straight.
  • Lower your hips back into the plank position and repeat the push-up.

TIP: Bend at your hips, not at your knees.


Single Leg Knee Tucks

Setup: TRX fully lengthened

Start position

  • Interlock the two TRX handles together, placing one foot into the strap and crossing the other leg over.
  • Position hands below the shoulders and press up into a plank position.
  • Keeping the core engaged, bend the knees and hips into torso, allowing the hips to lift and the spine to flex. With control, slowly return to starting position.
  • Do 10 times each leg.

TIP: Keep your neck in line with your spine, try not to crane the neck upward or drop the head heavy.




Beauty Infusion Tangerine Twist
Neocell Beauty Infusion is an all natural solution for youthful, radiant beauty that starts from the inside. Diminished collagen levels in the body can lead to loss of elasticity in the skin, thinning hair, and brittle nails.
This refreshing drink mix is infused with essential nutrients that work together to strengthen hair, skin and nails, hydrate the skin, and provide antioxidant power against environmental damage.




#WORKOUT WEDNESDAY: Banish the Backfat

Want to banish the back fat, and the bat wings all in one move no equipment required?

Drum roll please…..

The inverted V push up!

So how do you do it?

inverted pushup

A. Start in a regular push-up position, with hands wider than shoulder distance apart, then pike your hips towards your hands until you are in what should look like an inverted V.


inverted push up2

B. Bend your elbows (like you would in a push up) until your head almost touches the ground. Hold it for at least 5 seconds, and then push back up and straighten your arms.That is one rep. Aim to do at least 2 sets of 8-10.

Listen to your body, think quality verse quantity. If you find these hard at first, just do as many as you can, and gradually add more. Doing eight really great ones slow and controlled with perfect form will get you the results you’re after far faster than doing twenty at lightening speed with poor form.



Every year around this time, it happens.

That feeling.

The sudden, overwhelming urge to pack up, leave behind your old self and live out the rest of your days as a high-speed bike messenger.

Or…maybe not.

Maybe you just get the urge to blow off some steam with some healthy competition. Literally.

In that case, check out Swerve Fitness, a swanky fitness studio focusing exclusively on insane spinning classes.

Think of it as your one-stop shop for all your competitive needs: they’ll supply the shoes, bikes, towels, ref and slightly unorthodox competition.

The class: 45 minutes of intense pedaling (steep hills, hard sprints), and for the benefit of your arms, there’s also an upper body segment using 3 lb weights.

The bikes are broken up into three teams (red, green and blue) pitting against each other for your general amusement.

As your team's average SWERVE score builds throughout the class, the scoreboards show you how you compare to your team, and how your team compares to the competition.
As your team’s average SWERVE score builds throughout the class, the scoreboards show you how you compare to your team, and how your team compares to the competition.

Like Flywheel, each rider has access to their personal stats, but only the team’s numbers are displayed on the overhead screens. In other words, each rider is driven to put in their max level of effort to avoid holding back their team. However, none of their team members have any idea who the weakest link is. This boosts team spirit without making anyone feel inadequate.

It felt almost like a sweaty game show, with frenetic emcee Andy Harris pushing all the right buttons, pulling you from the audience to test your nerves, wits and/or mettle for cash and prizes. But mostly for glory. Each time your team wins a sprint +2 points are added to your teams overall score, and your teams color will light up the room, very Jeopardy-eque like.

That morale-building lighting effect is surely no accident, and adds to the thrill of athleticism.

A nice feature on their bikes is that they have a visual monitor of your resistance levels. Being told you should be on 5,6, or 7 resistance is much simpler than guestimating with approximate twists.

If you’re not going for the competition, go for the cardio. Spinning is good for you. Apparently.

Rookies and aspiring pros welcome.

Your first ride is 2 for 1, no fee for shoes, and water is $2. The lockers have their on combos so no need for a lock, and the bathroom and showers are stocked full of lady bit essentials (tampons, bobby pins, deodorant, L’Occitane shower products).

And if you get attached to one particular set of wheels, good news: you can reserve classes and bikes online.

Note: “behind beautiful person” is not an option.

Each rider recieves a follow up email with their scores in relation to the rest of their team, and their team against the rest of the class.
Each rider recieves a follow up email with their scores in relation to the rest of their team, and their team against the rest of the class.



SWERVE Fitness
30 West 18th St.
New York, NY 10011
(212) 242-3330

SkinCeuticals Advanced Corrective Peel

Lucky me! I get some pretty, pretty cool perks with my job. One being an endless supply of beauty products and another being able to try out some cool devices, procedures and pro-peels. This Thursday I agreed to banish away dark spots and uneven texture with SkinCeuticals Advanced Corrective Peel.

Walking in makeup free I ran into the never without a kind word Polly Blitzer of BeautyBlitz.com. After a series of love hugs in the reception area we were guided back to a set up where the next few minutes and days of skin transformation would be explained. I’ll break it down below:

  • You will not walk out looking like Samantha from Sex And The City.Samantha SITC
  • I did walk out slightly pink around my muzzle- you know the area where dudes grow that god awful goatee.
  • You shouldn’t wear makeup after the peel unless you absolutely have to. If a must, a mineral powder. Nothing with water in it since that will make the peel more intense.
  • No washing your face that night. Which really shouldn’t be a problem if you schedule in the evening and don’t apply makeup upon leaving.

The team sent me home with a kit for days 1-5 (post peel) and another regimen for days 6 and on. I couldn’t be happier since I’m a HUGE fan of the brands products and just got me a stock up on my Phloretin CF.

  • YOU should expect skin to get tight, then red, then dark spots become darker or come to the surface, and then start sheet shedding of your old momma skin.

DAY 1: The day of the peel I felt my skin getting tighter and definitely getting a dark pink tinge around my mouth.

DAY 2: Really starting to see the dark spots from past sun damage make their way to the surface. My chin is starting to get crimson colored.

DAY 3: Kind of a bit more Samantha like with a deep red color around my mouth and also on the upper area of the bridge of my nose. Dark spots are present and skin is rough and ready to start the peeling process.

Stay tuned as I update my progress… and remember to #sharetheglam



#WORKOUT WEDNESDAY: Started From The Autumn

Football season. Sweater weather. Flannel and plaid. Oh, and Pumpkin Spice Lattes (I see you Starbucks). Yep; fall is pretty great. It is the place where one thing ends and another begins.

Now that the “cool front” has rolled in (at a chilling 70 degrees….brrr), and that “autumn” zing is starting to settle in the air, I am intrigued by the changes that occur, seemingly beyond our notice. The lack of awareness that it reveals in us. We see the changing leaves and wonder, “When did that happen?” “How did I miss that?” Changes take us by surprise and remind us that we are not always as aware as we think we are. We can always awaken a bit more of life. Seems right to start the season off right, perhaps turn over a new leaf, and “fall” back into fitness.

With that said, let’s go over a few tips to help you take on everything fall has to throw at you, like a seasoned (but jacked) woodsman, and ease back into or start anew without losing motivation or risking injury.

Too much, too soon

Build a foundation. Keep in mind, your level of progression is largely based on your total time off, the reason for the break (surgery, work, children), and your level of fitness prior. Do one or two things that you can be successful at over a week or two. Once you get a groove going, then add another thing, and then another. Soon you’re going to start to notice that you’re doing more healthy things than unhealthy things.

Being so sore the next day that you’re hobbling down the stairs does not indicate a good quality workout.

Your first step should be to integrate a couple of days of flexibility workouts to increase blood flow, circulation, range of motion and joint mobility. It will allow your body to properly adjust to the new demands that will be placed on it. If you have access to a health club or fitness professional, I recommend signing up for a flexibility or beginner Pilates class.

Next, try incorporating light cardio after a couple of flexibility sessions. If weather permits, a brisk 20-minute walk outside will help get your body moving again. The treadmill, elliptical and stationary bike are great indoor alternatives.

After the first week of flexibility and light cardio, start to incorporate strength workouts into your routine. Exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups and planks will help to improve posture, develop core strength, and activate muscles throughout your glute and hamstring regions. These muscles are important for basic everyday movement, as well as keep your spine erect when you’re at your desk.

Once starry-eyed, you’re now bored: 

When you get home from work lay out your exercise clothes. Fill up a water bottle and put it in the fridge. Pack the outfit you’re going to wear to work the next day –makeup, shoes, outfit –have it all ready to go, and then set your alarm for the next morning. Do everything you need to do before you start to unwind. This forces you to just get up and do it, no excuses.

Find a physical activity that you love doing. If for example you’re miserable the entire time you’re running, try something else. It’s one thing to motivate yourself to get active, but you shouldn’t have to force yourself through something you hate. Pick your favorite activities, and find places to do them with other willing, motivated and probably-Lululemon-clad groups of people.

Set weekly goals and celebrate small wins and accomplishments each week to pump you up, so you start seeing yourself as successful. Rather than just having one BIG goal – set smaller goals or STEPPING STONES:

– SET daily goals – drink lots of water, eat at least 2 cups of vegetables, reduce the amount of processed foods you eat

– SET weekly goals – complete two workouts this week, lose 1lb, or reduce xx number of inches off my body

– SET monthly goals – fit into my jeans, do ten push-ups without stopping, train for an event

You are what you eat:

Watch your diet! During the hotter months it’s a little easier to avoid overeating, but the desire to indulge will creep up on you when it’s cold outside. Candied temptation is in full effect, avoid the ‘walk-by reach’, and the ‘I’ve held out long enough grab’ by filling up on whole grains, lean protein, fruits and veggies.

Have snacks on hand and at the ready for those weak moments, like when you’re going to Duane Reade for paper towels and deodorant, and you have to walk through the Halloween candy isle in order to get it. Bastards.

Caving into craving, as long as it’s in moderation, can curb the desire to go at it like a kid in a candy store.

As we say goodbye to sweet September, take a moment to reflect on how our lives change when we decide to put our health first. Lots of sleep is delicious, but that’s what winter hibernation is for, right? We’re not there yet. Now is the time to incorporate healthy habits back into your schedule.