#WORKOUT WEDNESDAY: Business in Front, Party in the Back!

Sometimes you may think of back pain as a familiar companion. He may not be overly friendly, but he certainly has remained with you for a long time.

Remember when you first met. How he crept up slowly with a dull ache and a little stiffness, before long he was all out spastic, screaming at you to pay attention to him.

One thing back pain will do, is provide you with the opportunity to learn about doctors and what they can and cannot do. In an eagerness to rid yourself of the pain you may have consulted internists, orthopedists, neurologists, osteopaths, chiropractors, acupuncturists, naturopaths, and even psychiatrists. You’ve probably been prodded, punctured, massaged, needled, vibrated, and electrically stimulated. You took aspirin, ibuprofen, Prozac, cortisone and myriad other pain killers, stimulants, and relaxants. Spending a small fortune on back braces, hot packs, topical creams, Epsom salt baths and self massagers all in the name of relief, with no avail.

Any improvement you experienced was temporary and not worth the cost and discomfort of the treatment.

A bold prediction: at some point you might find yourself feeling frustrated.

You may, in fact, feel the kind of frustration that’ll make you grab something throwable, target one worthy individual and hurl that something at his or her head.

Before it comes to that, try this….

Master Pilates Instructor and Personal Trainer, Lynda Lippin, has just launched a brand-spanking new eCourse on Pilates & Back Pain. A how-to guide with some very simple techniques 99% of us never use to transform back pain without any dangerous drugs, surgery, chiropractic manipulation or crazy looking pain relief contraptions.

I know what you’re thinking.

I can read it on your face…the distracted smile, the unconvincing nod, the slightly furrowed brow…

“Pilates is only for flexible or “fit” people, and I’m about as limber as an ice sculpture.” FALSE! Pilates exercises can be modified for virtually any level of fitness.

In her course, Lynda teaches you how to engage your deepest core muscles with as little pain–and as much clarity–as possible that can provide back pain relief and help prevent future episodes of back pain.

Your guide to lower back euphoria awaits.

The eCourse is $47 and can be purchased here: http://www.pilatesbackpain.com

Share The Glam readers get $10 OFF when you enter coupon code SD10 at checkout.


#WORKOUT WEDNESDAY: Resolutions Refined

Okay, so you probably don’t need an instruction manual for dancing and shopping. But just in case you’re rusty…there’s this.

Wellth series: Resolutions Refined 3rd annual wellth series at the Refinery Hotel.

It’s a hotel. It’s a shop. It’s a workout. It’s everything.

Resolutions Refined featured a full daily schedule of Elements signature Barre and Dance Fusion classes, instructed by founder and director, Andrea Fornarola Hunsberger, and a curated luxury retail collective by PopUpSummer and founder Susan Sandler, a leader in high-end retail and brand activations, featuring designers Tess Giberson, Jes Wade, Linn Lomo, OAO, KonDor, Indigo Jane, Arete and more.

The Lotte Berk inspired method fuses isometric exercises and interval training with ballet conditioning, the principals of Pilates core work and Yoga type stretching. We took the Barre class which in essence was Physique57’s brother from another mother.

We started with a serious warm-up consisting of knee lifts, planking, pushups, etc. Next up was the dance choreography, leg werk at the barre that felt like someone put a lit match to my quads. The band work we did for the upper body was a nice change from the usual weighted exercises I could do by now in my sleep. By the time we hit the floor for the glute and ab work i was in a full sweat.

But this isn’t the first time we’ve seen fashion merging with fitness. After all, shopping is a form of movement, and fashion is increasingly inspired by movement. What’s more interesting, is how the fusion parallels the growing trend of fitness as an experience. Working up a sweat isn’t just about showing up, or taking a class. Now, each workout is an event, full of music, athliesure and yes, lots and lots of sweat. Fashion is another tool the fitness world uses to create a completly immersive experience.

The result is an added, dynamic layer for botique studios like Elements Fitness. When upscale spots like The Hatbox it’s in part to set a specific vibe, as well as showcase emergining designers.

All of this continues to show that studios and athletic wear aren’t just becoming brands and events that set new fitness trends, rather, they are becoming outlets that inspire multiple facets of our lives.



New Year’s Eve–the one day when everyone on earth bonds over new beginnings, open bars and questionable judgements. A time of joy. Of festive gatherings. Of unmitigated stress.

To make it through the grand finale of the holiday season, the old you might opt for a spin class and ride the adrenaline train straight into the New Year. But a brand-new decade calls for a new kind of workout. One that keeps you on your game, mellow, focused….

You know, you should really decompress from it all I thought to myself as I skimmed through my little black book of workouts (a.k.a.ClassPass) on that fateful New Year’s Eve morning.

Therefore, after stumbling upon Circuit of Change and reading the class description:

Mind Body Bootcamp (signature class) combines all the key elements of martial arts, cardio core strengthening, gymnastics, plyometrics, yoga, and meditation for the ultimate mindbody experience. With innovative sequencing, playful transitions, and a surge of positive vibes, this class will have you feeling energetically pumped, allowing the real YOU  to shine through. 

I thought, OK, you had me at hello.

Now here’s a spot where I can really contemplate the meaning of life, the infinity of the universe and the value of a well-cushioned mat. Some place Zen, with a nightclub’s energy. So I decided to harness my chi for a little slice of solitude to meditate and reflect upon the year that was. Ha! Boy was I in for a rude awakening in every sense of the word.

Upon arrival it was immediately apparent that this wasn’t the upscale Asian temple I had envisoned, just a modest workout spot with a little Feng shui flair. The entrance is pretty bare bones, there’s one bathroom/shower, a large wall of open faced cubbies, and a coat rack. The studio itself is very quintesential New York, heigh ceiling with beams in odd places, old glass pane windows that let just the right amount of natural sunlight in, or lack there of considering it’s winter. There were mats neatly lined up in rows on the beautiful refinished hardwood floors, spaced just close enough that one false move might lead to a neighbors foot in your mouth during a downward dog split. Eww!

Instructor Jason Ostrander gave us a brief crash course on what to expect. We started off with a meditation, relaxation and some breath work. Then we progressed into a sequence of yoga-esque type moves. This was quickly followed by some serious samurai warrior, ninja turtle looking shiznit (yes, that is a word, because Urban Dictionary said so). Sayonara relaxation. Just a release of aggresion. Full-on assault.

The grunting, jumping (till your legs fall off), crawling, and rolling like a ball around on the mat barefoot all felt very primal and cathartic. There were bursts of conditioning circuits; bicycle crunches, mountain climbers, planks, push-ups for days and a few jumping jacks. The class ended in savasana, which by that stage in the game was greatly appreciated when you’re lying on your back sweating like a pig, feeling stiff as a board light as a feather.

Jason basically threw everything but the kitchen sink into this workout, giving us a full 60-minutes to reach Nirvana. Don’t let his initial friendly demeanor and sweet smile fool you, this is a man who knows what he wants, and how he wants it done. He’s got a natural born leader quality about him, authoritative and borderline bossy. He worked the room like nobody’s business, facing us in the appropriate direction of the room regardless of our mat orientation, which changed frequently throughout the workout.

There were no official water breaks or rest periods between exercises, so I’m not sure that the novice exerciser would fair well in a class like this, however it does fit the bill for someone with moderate to high endurance looking for a swift kick in the ass.

The overall collective energy of the class, and the loud crazy music was infectious. I felt motivated to push myself to jump, squat, crunch, and, well, TRY.

They say the only thing constant in life is change, and this workout certainly speaks to that notion.



Circuit of Change
57 W. 16th Street – 4th fl (btwn 5th and 6th ave)
New York, NY 10011


#WORKOUT WEDNESDAY: An Open Letter to my Body

Dear Body,

For fuggsake! I know you’re doing the best you can today. I’m sure things feel tired and tight, and you’re not necessarily interested in hearing from me. But I’m the swift kick in the ass you need to get yourself to workout today.

You need to balance out the aggression of your morning commute and long work day. I know you’d rather go to happy hour or watch Netflix and chill, but this is exactly why you have to go.Today. The times when you don’t want to roll out your mat to practice are the moments when you need it the most. Trust me on this one. I know you.

I know you’re busy, stressed, and pressed for time. You have got to let this shit go, and show up for yourself.

I know how scary it is to be quiet when things are stressful, but think about how good it feels to slow down and take a moment to be kind to yourself. Think about how it feels to stretch and bend and move and truly inhabit your body. Think about the epiphanies you’ve had when you’re on the mat. Working out has gotten you through bad fights, heartbreaks and loss of loved ones. It’s helped you release old wounds and realize your emotional and physical strength. When you exercise, you sleep better, you’re less reactive, and your heart is wide open.

We made it another year.

I know I don’t thank you nearly enough, so today as opposed to telling you where you could be better, smaller, firmer, faster, stronger and smoother I simply say, thank you.

This is my ode to you–my body, as you are.

To my feet, thank you for faithfully carrying me, mile after mile through sun, sleet, rain and snow day after day, mile after mile. After mile. I use you to propel me forward through good times and bad.

To my knees, you’re occasional tracking out of alignment is a pain in the ass, but I still love you. Afterall, you are the hinges that have helped me pop a sqaut in Starbucks at a moments notice.

To my thighs (repeat to self…think of something good, something positive, don’t be negative), thank you for your strength despite my disdain for you for many years.

To my bootylicious big booty–you are not something I aspired to, rather something I tried to tame in countless exercise classes. I have since come to embrace you, and consider you one of my best assets (pun intended).

To my core, we’ve had our good days and our bad days. Thank you for helping me rise when I get knocked down, and for helping me to sit up when i’m falling. I literally couldn’t do anything without you.

Thank you to my chest, that may or may not be large enough, soft enough or firm enough to meet the expectations placed upon me by society’s collective idea of what beauty is or isn’t and the expectations I place upon myself. Today you are exactly enough.

To my arms, that may or may not flap when i get excited–you are a force to be reckoned with, a physical symbol of my strength. Thank you for being strong enough to pull me, push me and carry all those heavy ass bags home from Trader Joes.

Thank you to my beautiful, 31 year old body for being strong and functional when I need you to be so I can share who I am, and what I have to offer with the world.

#WORKOUT WEDNESDAY: Shopping Is My Cardio

In this town, freshness is everything.

Take that peculiar spot in your neighborhood. One day it’s a Chinese restaurant. A few months later, it’s a German beer garden.

Along the same lines but without the pesky ownership changes, activewear store Athleta now doubles as a fitness studio.

Grand Opening Gift Bags
Grand Opening Gift Bags

The athlesiure brand, is putting the performance in performance wear. On December 5th, Fit+Love hosted Athleta’s kick off party with an amazing line up of fitness classes led by top instructors incluing Kristen Kenney, Katherine Greiner, Colleen Saidman Yee, and Andia Winslow.

If you think you’ve found the perfect pair of leggings that’ll stay put during every twist and bend, here’s a golden opportunity to put your money where your mouth is.

Photo: Steven A. Jackson
Photo: Steven A. Jackson

I’m talking about a full fledge renovation of a basement into a boutique studio here people, not let’s shove some racks out of the way to make some space for a few mats. The concept is this: In order to engage/freak out the community, the space will house a variety of complimentary workouts to the public. There’s a check-in desk, dressing rooms, towel service, mats and lockers. Every month the schedule will be completely retooled with new workouts, and instructors (the roster of freshness, if you will).

I attended the KGBody dance cardio class with Katherine Greiner. Safe to say she knows how to get your blood pumping and your endorphins…endorphing. The workout was fun, easy to follow, and moisture wicking material be damed no one left that room dry.

Jolie Braid Bar
Jolie Braid Bar

Throughout the day they had a make-up, braid, and mini-facial bar from Joli Beauty Bar and Balbec Skincare, juice and snack sampling from Juice Press, Aloha, Barnana and Essentia, and music by female DJ extraordinaire K Styles.

So here’s how it works, go to Athleta.com, give them a ring-a-ding-ding or stop by the Flatiron location today to sign up for a class because spaces are limited.

Give a nod to the sexy mannequins in the store on your way in and head to the studio downstairs where you’ll start following your instructor’s lead in one of 11 different classes. There’s strength (Barre Fusion, Pilates), stretch (Vinyasa Yoga, Lastics Stretch Class), and sweat (HIIT, Box Work).

Shopping can be totally cathartic.


Duck Hits The Gym!

The biggest foodie season is upon us, and that means gourmet grub! It’s important to stay fit and practice preventitive care even during the busiest (and foodies) times of the year, and to do it safely. This one-of-a-kind integrated marketing campaign focused on fitness and wellness, reminding us the importance of staying safe when hitting the gym.

Ian Ziering co-hosted an ultimate training day experience alongside the Aflac Duck, and celebrity fitness trainer Jeff Halevy to celebrate Aflac’s newest campaign: Duck hits the gym! Ziering helped faciliate a fitness training class and shared his favorite workout tips.

Halevy Life
E 57th St
New York, NY 10022 

#WORKOUT WEDNESDAY: How To Win At Thanksgiving. A guide To Thanksgiving Dominance

Soon bread will be broken, and turkey will be carved. Soon thanks will be given, and drink will be drunk. There’s no question that you’ll likely take in more calories than usual during this meal, even if you are making healthier choices. But, this Thanksgiving you’re thinking beyond the turkey.

Feast your eyes on these pre/post pilgrim party tips from Health Perch that will have you laughing in the face of tryptophan.

Gobble. Gobble.
