New Mom Survival Guide on Great Day Washington

Let’s just say the adjustment from pregnant to mommy is a HUGE transformation. Not only are your hormones going wild, but your body starts spewing milk (if you’re lucky). Your uterus tries to bend back inward while your booty starts to eh hem…flare up. So many changes happen within the first 3 months that it would take me years to highlight them all. BUT…. I did get a chance to drop by Great Day Washington and chat with Kristen Berset about a few of the woes and ways I’ve found to treat and survive this thrust into New Mommyhood.

First things first, let’s talk about nursing: Pumping on the go and the tenderness nursing entails on our gals. take a break from the electric pumps and go au naturale with manual expression. Sure it takes longer, but it also doesn’t destroy your nipples. I personaly like to wear the Haakaa on the opposite breast the baby is nursing on, so I can make sure every last drop is preserved. 

Haakaa Manual Express Pump
Price: $13
Shop: Amazon

While on the subject of nipple preservation, look no further than Mustela for a soothing and nourishing balm to bring normalcy back to your overused utters. 

Mustela Nursing Comfort Balm
PRICE: $15.00

Losing your hair? Don’t worry it’s super common for moms and there is a way to stop the SHEDDING!

Bosley Professional Strength Ulta Mom Hair Kit
($46, a $70 value, available at

No doubt you want to lay kisses all over your little one, but is your skincare too harsh for that brand new baby skin? Ward off wrinkles, load op on anti-oxidants and hydrate that crazy skin post birth with Taila’s pureness.

Taila Prana Face Oil
Price: $102
Shop: and

Trying to safely and comfortably reel in that uterus? 
Bring in the bulge with these panties that also have a silicone patch for c-section scars.

C- Panty By Upspring

PRICE: $39.99
SHOP: Target

Dare we chat the unmentionables called Hemorrhoids?Tucks saves the day! Or at least it did for our derriere.

Tucks Medicated Cooling Pads
Price: $6.99
Shop: Target

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