Happy Earth Day 🌏

Do you have an Earth Day Resolution? I do! I’m going to try to repurpose and reuse as many of Baby Ace’s things I can. I also want to try to make his food as much as possible to cut down on having to purchase the baby pouches of food. But enough about my resolutions, we’re here to talk about beauty. If you find yourself making some greener or more animal-friendly choices for 2020, I have some great ideas for you!

Looking for something Animal-Friendly, Fragrance-Free, and 100% free of soap and harmful chemicals? Check out Sebamed. The brand has a long history of keeping the yuckies out of their skincare. The keep our little furry friends safe too. My favorite product is the Gentle Hydrating Cleanser. I can use this on my face and body in the shower and not worry about what’s left on my skin that can transfer onto baby Ace’s once I’m out. The lotion is also super silky and the brand provides refills so you can reuse the original containers.

Next up, Biore! The iconic pore cleaning brand is really making strides to be cleaner and greener! They’ve started making changes to become more sustainable by including recycling education on the packaging, and designing with less plastic. They are using post-consumer recycled materials in their packs and have initiated post-consumer recycled plastic into all of their non-acne bottles by 2020. By 2022 they will incorporate these materials in their caps, tubes, and more. Go Biore! One of my favorite products using this new packaging is the Rose Quartz + Charcoal Stress Relief Mask. The packaging makes it so easy to get your glow on without mess or wasting a drop of product!

And finally, I’m excited to unveil the very new (just launched today on Amazon) MyKirei. Kirei means beauty when translated from Japanese, so we are right on target here my pretties. The brand consists of three skus, a shampoo, a conditioner, and a hand wash. All come in Air Bottles (which are super cool and squishy but stand upright) and bring 50% less plastic into your home. The scent is universal to make the males and the females happy but also to bring less clutter into your shower and countertops.

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